
Friday, April 20, 2012

Hi Again...

Hi, I'm Nikki and I am a blog-a-haulic. But, not lately. Lately, I would consider myself a lazy lost little butt. So much has happened in this last year that I really can't even explain it. But I think the most important thing to note is that God has finally given me what I have been longing for in a little word called CONVICTION. I was wondering when it would happen; when I would finally care that people actually care about what I say to them. I always thought of it as a gift, this ability of mine, just to speak what my mind really thinks. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. I don't know. I am not a gossipy little monger. Generally, what I think is what you get, but I have discovered a (very small) filter that God has provided me with. It's humbling kind of. And not humbling in a way that I feel completely lost and terrible about things I say, but humbling in a "I can finally note my mistakes and make them right kind of way". Is it weird to say that, as Eric has gained responsibility in his career, that I have also? Whether I like to admit or not, people note my actions and my words... EEK!!!! I hate that! Okay, nuff about that. It's not gonna be long til we do down the "D' road again. I don't know for sure when (ha! I do, I just can't tell ya!). I am not a good liar...but anywho. I hate "D"... really, I don't hate IT, I just hate the build up. These little raggamuffin princesses that live in our house can totally sense the vibe. Let me pause for a minute tot ell you that, when they sense the "vibe" our house turns into a raging estrogen filled hormone fest! It makes for tears and craziness to say the least. And this funny thing happens where the biggie thinks that she is the boss of....well of EVERYTHING! I'm not kidding. I've always heard how some people tell the boys that they are "the man of the house", but this kid takes it to a whole other level. And, suffice it to say, we are still a pretty long way out, but I guess as she gets older she senses it quicker...??? I don't know but it's gonna make for a fun summer cause three bosses in this house (mom, soldier, kid) just ain't gonna work... seriously. Anyway, we know it's coming and now we have to work on controlling the build up. So, that's where we are at! Are we the only ones??? I've missed you guys. I'm done being lazy and I PROMISE you will not have to endure another loooong span of time without me. :) Photobucket