
Monday, March 5, 2012

HELP.... I'm a city girl stuck in Army USA!

Not so very long ago there was a girl. A city girl. From Detroit. When she was very young her parents packed her and her big sister up and moved the family to Florida. No, not po-dunk Florida; Tampa. a city. A big city. For years she grew happily doing things city folk do; namely shopping and eating and shopping some more. While in college this girl had dreams of graduating, going on to Law School and living in an even bigger city. Then she met a boy. A Soldier boy (well, not really... he was Air Force first, but Airman boy sounds stupid).

Soldier guy and I married and soon after had our first little munchkin join the fam. Our first duty station was not bad at all. We were at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson Arizona, which is a big city with all of the necessary outlets to make me a very happy girl. For, not only did Tucson have a Target, but also a mall. I had no idea at the time how greatly I should appreciate that glorious mall. I guess I was spoiled because just after Davis Monthan the Army called and said head East fair friends towards Texas. And, so it was that we made our home just within Texas at fort Bliss for 4 very loooonnnggg years. Again I was blessed to be in a larger city. for El Paso also had a nice selection of 5 Walmarts, 4 Targets, 3 Food Warehouses (costco-sams), 2 Shopping Malls and 1 nice Border cross~ing. I had no idea what I was in for because, apparently, there is no other base with those amenities.

Since the years of big city living, the Army has really thrown a wrench in this city gals plans. Not only did the soldier guy who makes all the plans for soldier moves grace me with life on the prairies of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, but within the very same year he thought it would be good to move me to Fort Stewart, Georgia. Just so ya'll (I like to use the term ya'll now cause I feel like I fit in) know for future reference, neither Fort Sill or Fort Stewart have a Target within 45 minutes. No really, I'm not joking. AT ALL. Do you know how hard it is for me to find things to do with my time? This town has two mecca's of browsing glory and they are Walmart and Bealls Outlet. On the plus side, it is a definite money saver.

I think, in the grand scheme of things, now would be a very good time to tackle that Law degree. But, oh yeah, it is guaran-dern-teed that we will inevitably move again within the next three years. School is outta the question. Anywho, the purpose to this seemingly purposeless blog is to ask you all for some ideas... the great ladies of the world need to get this girl outta this small town funk. Because, it seems that in the Army, small town may be as good as it gets.

1 comment:

  1. At least you have a Walmart :D Snicker snicker. Oh, Army how we love you. I'm in the same boat and I just decided to take this time to take care of me--I'm attempting to do Ease into 5K. It's been nice to have something to do in the morning, after older ones go to school and I drop Sam-I-Am off at daycare. The gym is quiet around here after 9am, so I can look stupid and sweaty and slow with minimal judgement. That being said, I'm still bored and trying to figure out what to do with my life, but at least I'll be leaner and meaner while doing it??? :) You'll figure it out...or God'll smack you upside the head with what He's got planned for you. :)
