
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WACKY WEDNESDAY...I can write about stupid all day long.

I can write about stupid all day long. No, I really can! Sit down and stay a while cause tonight, I've got a bunch to say.

I want to first start by informing you all that I do believe the Internet should be regulated, but until it is, I will use it to the maximum benefit it provides for me. No, I do not think it is right for people to steal movies from the internet; nor do I think it is right for people to use the internet for porn when my children can stumble upon these sites. Now, I do not care if you go into a store and purchase magazines that are held behind lock and key, but I do care that my kids can "accidentally" get caught up in the stuff ...

In the past few weeks I have heard so many complaints about SOPA and PIPA and while I personally do not think that our congressmen and women have the time to police the internet,I do think it needs to be done. All that aside, though, if you don't know what the internet was created for, let me help you out. The "internet" was created by the United States Department of Defense. Yes, really! Google ARPANET and you will see. So, while yes, it is now known as the world wide web, it was once a necessity in communication for the Department of Defense and therefore, we should have the means of controlling some portions of it; in my opinion.

Now, on to my next little rant. The State of the Union address is a form of communication between the President of the United States and the Congress. Most American know this. Since we have had a President they have made the speech (previously known as the President's Annual Message to Congress). The "speech", as I will refer to it, is supposed to be geared towards CONGRESS, people. The "speech" is a tool used by President's to brief CONGRESS on things in which he (or she) would ask their consideration on. The "speech" is NOT, in any way, meant to be a campaigning tool; although it generally has been since the inception of modern media. Call me crazy, but maybe the "speech" should not be televised. We should not have the ability to sit through 65 minutes of free campaigning... nor should the President pause 85 STINKIN" times for applause. especially when our country is floundering. there. is. nothing. to. applaud! Except for the men and women who defend our awesome nation, and that, my friends, should be a speech given all on it's own! It should be titled the "thank you for everything" speech. As in, Thank you for risking your ass so I can cover mine (if you so happen to be our President who bows down to foreign dictators).

All in all, the "speech" was everything I expected it would be. Actually, it was even a little more Conservative than I ever expected. It was all propaganda. It was our fearless leader out there, on the screens of the American's who only follow politics during election years, saying all the right things. I will not get into the nitty gritty, but I will say this, at this point I believe nothing the man says...nothing. I am not one of those people who hate the guy with everything I have. In fact, he is an amazing "speech" writer and giver. he is EXTREMELY eloquent under pressure, but he is also a liar. They all are, really. No matter the party.

At this point in time, we need new blood. we need people who really care. we need people who are fearless enough to go in and get the job done. We do not need a Candidate who is spending the first four years of their Presidency campaigning to add four more years. I am an Army Wife. I deserve better than what was promised. I deserve to never worry about my children having a roof over their head or food in their mouths. Frankly, with a 450 Billion dollar defense cut, worry I will. Funny how you can campaign on adding jobs, even as you take the most important ones away. But those aren't the numbers that count, are they?

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