
Friday, January 6, 2012

It's FRIEND FRIDAY... you never know who your gonna get

This is Amanda (well, and B, her hubby). See that smile? Yes...that one. She always smiles just. like. that.

Amanda is one of my "sister" wives. I've had a few, but she is by far the most happy, ditzy, fun loving person I will prob ever meet. no seriously. she is. there is just something about her that makes you love (and hate, cause you envy the optimism) her. everyone. loves. her.

I swear this chic can make a funny out of ANYTHING. Just tonight, a few of us were contemplating a name for another friend's (who may end up on here also) new business. It's an organic type of business, which all of us love... but, anyway, we all have these lame very predictable names and all of the sudden Amanda pops in with ""Chemical Free Shit"'s the new it." Yup, I LOL'd... I'm pretty sure we all did. Did i mention this was a facebook discussion? It was. Who comes up with that? Amanda does. She always does. and it's funny. and I love her for it.

Amanda is a rare gem in this "armywife" world. In a place where it is so easy to be cynical and depressed, she is the upper. It is not easy to find an Army wife who can always make the most out of every situation, See the best in everyone, and trust like there is no tomorrow. I have been burned in this life. bad. I find it hard to trust completely, without cynicism. It's something I am working on. The funny thing is... I think she probably has been burned too but she just trucks on. She's one of those girls that can just forgive so completely. I recently read a quote that I think fits her perfectly... it goes something like this; "I am nice enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again".

Amanda is not perfect, by any means. None of us are. But that girl does some silly things. I can name quite a few trips to look at antiques that could have turned out bad. ~Note to self...make sure Amanda has no Craigslist type killers to visit tomorrow.~ Thank God I was there to save her. I'm just kidding {Eric and our friend H was there too}, but it could have been bad and we laugh about it. That just proves my point about how she loves and trusts anyone, and I love her for it.

I chose her as my first in {hopefully} a long line of Friend Friday posts because she honestly epitomizes everything we should all strive to be. nice. to one another. no matter what. You see, for you non military peeps that like to follow my blog. In the army wife hood, it's easy to get all caught up on rank. It's really just like in the civilian world. Like when sometimes the bosses wife wears the "paycheck". We have that too. I call it a modernized feudal system...sounds bad, I know. But, to Amanda, we are all just "people". We all could learn a very valuable lesson from her. I already have. Like I said previously, I believe God puts us in places for a reason; to learn a lesson. Amanda teaches me lessons everyday {some more funny, some really awesome... like to just smile. even at idiots.) and I'm blessed to have her.


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