
Friday, January 6, 2012

What to do....what to do

Eeekkk! I am in such a weird place right now. I love this life, I really do. But there are days (and today is obviously one of them) when I just want to throw in the towel. Okay, so for you non military lingo peeps, let me describe it to you this way...being part of this unique group of people is great. I mean you hear it all day long; only 1% of our nations citizens serve in our military. great. awesome even. I have the honor of meeting so many people that I would otherwise never get to meet. They are all, for the most part, in the same boat as me. I love living amongst hero's. But I miss the basics. My momma. My sisters. My family. I'm gonna miss my new little niece once she born...i miss the ones I already have. I miss having a real job, even. And, as you read yesterday, I want a home!

So, yesterday, I get a call from the Jasper County School District in South Carolina. Yay!!! Excited... I have been looking for a job that would allow me to spend time with the kiddos and this one would. The problem? Going North, rather than south. I was really hoping to find a job in Florida, which would give me the best of all world's...kid friendly job, family and soldier guy could most likely transfer there too (it was kinda my way of forcing him to go Active Reserve). So, I sat thinking about this opportunity. Soldier guy says we could possibly stay in the Savannah area for a while, like through his next KD (stands for Key development for you non mil lingo types, and the sooner you get them out of the way, the better); basically we could possibly be here for like 5 years. wow! I would so buy a house. Now, I'm thinkin' that maybe, just maybe, I have been so not listening to what the Big guy wants for my life... the big guy being God. I really think, and have always thought that there is destiny and it's very real. It was planned way before I even had the ability to plan things. People and things and jobs come into my life for a reason. they were meant to be there. I think God wants us where we are.

Honestly, I don't hate it here, it's really pretty. I think I just want to be settled. Maybe this is the place...eeek!

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