
Friday, April 20, 2012

Hi Again...

Hi, I'm Nikki and I am a blog-a-haulic. But, not lately. Lately, I would consider myself a lazy lost little butt. So much has happened in this last year that I really can't even explain it. But I think the most important thing to note is that God has finally given me what I have been longing for in a little word called CONVICTION. I was wondering when it would happen; when I would finally care that people actually care about what I say to them. I always thought of it as a gift, this ability of mine, just to speak what my mind really thinks. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it's not. I don't know. I am not a gossipy little monger. Generally, what I think is what you get, but I have discovered a (very small) filter that God has provided me with. It's humbling kind of. And not humbling in a way that I feel completely lost and terrible about things I say, but humbling in a "I can finally note my mistakes and make them right kind of way". Is it weird to say that, as Eric has gained responsibility in his career, that I have also? Whether I like to admit or not, people note my actions and my words... EEK!!!! I hate that! Okay, nuff about that. It's not gonna be long til we do down the "D' road again. I don't know for sure when (ha! I do, I just can't tell ya!). I am not a good liar...but anywho. I hate "D"... really, I don't hate IT, I just hate the build up. These little raggamuffin princesses that live in our house can totally sense the vibe. Let me pause for a minute tot ell you that, when they sense the "vibe" our house turns into a raging estrogen filled hormone fest! It makes for tears and craziness to say the least. And this funny thing happens where the biggie thinks that she is the boss of....well of EVERYTHING! I'm not kidding. I've always heard how some people tell the boys that they are "the man of the house", but this kid takes it to a whole other level. And, suffice it to say, we are still a pretty long way out, but I guess as she gets older she senses it quicker...??? I don't know but it's gonna make for a fun summer cause three bosses in this house (mom, soldier, kid) just ain't gonna work... seriously. Anyway, we know it's coming and now we have to work on controlling the build up. So, that's where we are at! Are we the only ones??? I've missed you guys. I'm done being lazy and I PROMISE you will not have to endure another loooong span of time without me. :) Photobucket

Monday, March 5, 2012

HELP.... I'm a city girl stuck in Army USA!

Not so very long ago there was a girl. A city girl. From Detroit. When she was very young her parents packed her and her big sister up and moved the family to Florida. No, not po-dunk Florida; Tampa. a city. A big city. For years she grew happily doing things city folk do; namely shopping and eating and shopping some more. While in college this girl had dreams of graduating, going on to Law School and living in an even bigger city. Then she met a boy. A Soldier boy (well, not really... he was Air Force first, but Airman boy sounds stupid).

Soldier guy and I married and soon after had our first little munchkin join the fam. Our first duty station was not bad at all. We were at Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson Arizona, which is a big city with all of the necessary outlets to make me a very happy girl. For, not only did Tucson have a Target, but also a mall. I had no idea at the time how greatly I should appreciate that glorious mall. I guess I was spoiled because just after Davis Monthan the Army called and said head East fair friends towards Texas. And, so it was that we made our home just within Texas at fort Bliss for 4 very loooonnnggg years. Again I was blessed to be in a larger city. for El Paso also had a nice selection of 5 Walmarts, 4 Targets, 3 Food Warehouses (costco-sams), 2 Shopping Malls and 1 nice Border cross~ing. I had no idea what I was in for because, apparently, there is no other base with those amenities.

Since the years of big city living, the Army has really thrown a wrench in this city gals plans. Not only did the soldier guy who makes all the plans for soldier moves grace me with life on the prairies of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, but within the very same year he thought it would be good to move me to Fort Stewart, Georgia. Just so ya'll (I like to use the term ya'll now cause I feel like I fit in) know for future reference, neither Fort Sill or Fort Stewart have a Target within 45 minutes. No really, I'm not joking. AT ALL. Do you know how hard it is for me to find things to do with my time? This town has two mecca's of browsing glory and they are Walmart and Bealls Outlet. On the plus side, it is a definite money saver.

I think, in the grand scheme of things, now would be a very good time to tackle that Law degree. But, oh yeah, it is guaran-dern-teed that we will inevitably move again within the next three years. School is outta the question. Anywho, the purpose to this seemingly purposeless blog is to ask you all for some ideas... the great ladies of the world need to get this girl outta this small town funk. Because, it seems that in the Army, small town may be as good as it gets.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

WACKY WEDNESDAY...I can write about stupid all day long.

I can write about stupid all day long. No, I really can! Sit down and stay a while cause tonight, I've got a bunch to say.

I want to first start by informing you all that I do believe the Internet should be regulated, but until it is, I will use it to the maximum benefit it provides for me. No, I do not think it is right for people to steal movies from the internet; nor do I think it is right for people to use the internet for porn when my children can stumble upon these sites. Now, I do not care if you go into a store and purchase magazines that are held behind lock and key, but I do care that my kids can "accidentally" get caught up in the stuff ...

In the past few weeks I have heard so many complaints about SOPA and PIPA and while I personally do not think that our congressmen and women have the time to police the internet,I do think it needs to be done. All that aside, though, if you don't know what the internet was created for, let me help you out. The "internet" was created by the United States Department of Defense. Yes, really! Google ARPANET and you will see. So, while yes, it is now known as the world wide web, it was once a necessity in communication for the Department of Defense and therefore, we should have the means of controlling some portions of it; in my opinion.

Now, on to my next little rant. The State of the Union address is a form of communication between the President of the United States and the Congress. Most American know this. Since we have had a President they have made the speech (previously known as the President's Annual Message to Congress). The "speech", as I will refer to it, is supposed to be geared towards CONGRESS, people. The "speech" is a tool used by President's to brief CONGRESS on things in which he (or she) would ask their consideration on. The "speech" is NOT, in any way, meant to be a campaigning tool; although it generally has been since the inception of modern media. Call me crazy, but maybe the "speech" should not be televised. We should not have the ability to sit through 65 minutes of free campaigning... nor should the President pause 85 STINKIN" times for applause. especially when our country is floundering. there. is. nothing. to. applaud! Except for the men and women who defend our awesome nation, and that, my friends, should be a speech given all on it's own! It should be titled the "thank you for everything" speech. As in, Thank you for risking your ass so I can cover mine (if you so happen to be our President who bows down to foreign dictators).

All in all, the "speech" was everything I expected it would be. Actually, it was even a little more Conservative than I ever expected. It was all propaganda. It was our fearless leader out there, on the screens of the American's who only follow politics during election years, saying all the right things. I will not get into the nitty gritty, but I will say this, at this point I believe nothing the man says...nothing. I am not one of those people who hate the guy with everything I have. In fact, he is an amazing "speech" writer and giver. he is EXTREMELY eloquent under pressure, but he is also a liar. They all are, really. No matter the party.

At this point in time, we need new blood. we need people who really care. we need people who are fearless enough to go in and get the job done. We do not need a Candidate who is spending the first four years of their Presidency campaigning to add four more years. I am an Army Wife. I deserve better than what was promised. I deserve to never worry about my children having a roof over their head or food in their mouths. Frankly, with a 450 Billion dollar defense cut, worry I will. Funny how you can campaign on adding jobs, even as you take the most important ones away. But those aren't the numbers that count, are they?

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's MEET ME MONDAY!!! {Hero's at Home}

For all of you who have not read my blog for a long time now; this one is an oldie but a goodie. In light of recent events in Tampa, I thought I would post this again. I can't tell you why or I would have to kill you. Haha, just kidding... my bestie was one of the agents that brought down that maniac! thank God for people who are always on duty even when we are all oblivious to certain situations ;) I thank you guys for all you do every day!!!!!

I think most of you know by now that I am the wife of an American Hero… a Soldier. What most of you do not know is that I am the niece, cousin, daughter, granddaughter and best friend of equal men and women. While many from my family and friends were Soldiers also, they now stand ready to serve here on the home front. They have wives, husbands and children… their lives are in danger daily; they sacrifice so we can sleep safely in our beds. While our Soldiers are serving heroically globally, these men and women serve on the sometimes angry streets of America. I am as equally proud of them as I am my very own hero.

As America struggles to stand firmly on it’s own proverbial feet economically, the most desperate of people act out. Some will chalk it up to a “War on Cops”; maybe, but I’m not buying it. When the economy crashes, people go just a little crazy- but that’s a whole other story. Still, the facts remain that, in 2011 alone, 26 Police Officers have been killed in the line of duty; it’s only February. Their families, like us, worry. They watch them walk out the door fearing they may never walk back in. We need to support them. Our soldiers leave one grueling, earth shattering time for their tour of duty; theirs leave daily.

Don’t get me wrong, I know what’s it’s like to watch my soldier leave. To have to explain to our children why his side of the bed remains made for the most part. Why I set his place at our table, even though he’s not going to be joining us. I’m not going to compare a year-long deployment with a 40 hour work week. I just want to create awareness. I recently heard the wife of a Police officer, and a school teacher herself describe how her hero flashed his cruiser lights every day before leaving for work for his small children. The day he was murdered, he ran them for an uncommonly long time. He did that every day… how does she now explain that they will never see those lights flash in their drive way again? No, there is no comparison, but there are so many similarities. The fear must be very close to the same…

As an Army wife, I have been so honored and privileged with the support that we are given by the people and the government of the great U.S.A! There will never be enough words to express what it means that, for the most part, the nation has my back. But, it’s time for us to give back. We need to empower our sisters and brothers in arms. Let them know that we are here for them and that we support them. We know the fear they feel each day as they watch their hero leave for their “tour of duty” on the mean streets of America. We appreciate their sacrifice. Ultimately, we get it…we really do.

So, to my cousins who serve on the mean streets of Detroit (these guys were Soldiers first), my father (also a soldier first) who served before them, my best friends who serve in our Federal Law Enforcement Community, and all of my friends serving as Police Officers in New York and Florida THANK YOU! You keep me safe when my hero keeps our Nation safe. Your family makes the sacrifice daily… I SUPPORT them fearlessly and I THANK them!

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's FRIEND FRIDAY... you never know who your gonna get

This is Amanda (well, and B, her hubby). See that smile? Yes...that one. She always smiles just. like. that.

Amanda is one of my "sister" wives. I've had a few, but she is by far the most happy, ditzy, fun loving person I will prob ever meet. no seriously. she is. there is just something about her that makes you love (and hate, cause you envy the optimism) her. everyone. loves. her.

I swear this chic can make a funny out of ANYTHING. Just tonight, a few of us were contemplating a name for another friend's (who may end up on here also) new business. It's an organic type of business, which all of us love... but, anyway, we all have these lame very predictable names and all of the sudden Amanda pops in with ""Chemical Free Shit"'s the new it." Yup, I LOL'd... I'm pretty sure we all did. Did i mention this was a facebook discussion? It was. Who comes up with that? Amanda does. She always does. and it's funny. and I love her for it.

Amanda is a rare gem in this "armywife" world. In a place where it is so easy to be cynical and depressed, she is the upper. It is not easy to find an Army wife who can always make the most out of every situation, See the best in everyone, and trust like there is no tomorrow. I have been burned in this life. bad. I find it hard to trust completely, without cynicism. It's something I am working on. The funny thing is... I think she probably has been burned too but she just trucks on. She's one of those girls that can just forgive so completely. I recently read a quote that I think fits her perfectly... it goes something like this; "I am nice enough to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again".

Amanda is not perfect, by any means. None of us are. But that girl does some silly things. I can name quite a few trips to look at antiques that could have turned out bad. ~Note to self...make sure Amanda has no Craigslist type killers to visit tomorrow.~ Thank God I was there to save her. I'm just kidding {Eric and our friend H was there too}, but it could have been bad and we laugh about it. That just proves my point about how she loves and trusts anyone, and I love her for it.

I chose her as my first in {hopefully} a long line of Friend Friday posts because she honestly epitomizes everything we should all strive to be. nice. to one another. no matter what. You see, for you non military peeps that like to follow my blog. In the army wife hood, it's easy to get all caught up on rank. It's really just like in the civilian world. Like when sometimes the bosses wife wears the "paycheck". We have that too. I call it a modernized feudal system...sounds bad, I know. But, to Amanda, we are all just "people". We all could learn a very valuable lesson from her. I already have. Like I said previously, I believe God puts us in places for a reason; to learn a lesson. Amanda teaches me lessons everyday {some more funny, some really awesome... like to just smile. even at idiots.) and I'm blessed to have her.


What to do....what to do

Eeekkk! I am in such a weird place right now. I love this life, I really do. But there are days (and today is obviously one of them) when I just want to throw in the towel. Okay, so for you non military lingo peeps, let me describe it to you this way...being part of this unique group of people is great. I mean you hear it all day long; only 1% of our nations citizens serve in our military. great. awesome even. I have the honor of meeting so many people that I would otherwise never get to meet. They are all, for the most part, in the same boat as me. I love living amongst hero's. But I miss the basics. My momma. My sisters. My family. I'm gonna miss my new little niece once she born...i miss the ones I already have. I miss having a real job, even. And, as you read yesterday, I want a home!

So, yesterday, I get a call from the Jasper County School District in South Carolina. Yay!!! Excited... I have been looking for a job that would allow me to spend time with the kiddos and this one would. The problem? Going North, rather than south. I was really hoping to find a job in Florida, which would give me the best of all world's...kid friendly job, family and soldier guy could most likely transfer there too (it was kinda my way of forcing him to go Active Reserve). So, I sat thinking about this opportunity. Soldier guy says we could possibly stay in the Savannah area for a while, like through his next KD (stands for Key development for you non mil lingo types, and the sooner you get them out of the way, the better); basically we could possibly be here for like 5 years. wow! I would so buy a house. Now, I'm thinkin' that maybe, just maybe, I have been so not listening to what the Big guy wants for my life... the big guy being God. I really think, and have always thought that there is destiny and it's very real. It was planned way before I even had the ability to plan things. People and things and jobs come into my life for a reason. they were meant to be there. I think God wants us where we are.

Honestly, I don't hate it here, it's really pretty. I think I just want to be settled. Maybe this is the place...eeek!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chasing that dream....

So, I have this dream. It's a dream that I think every normal, and possibly not so normal, people my age dream about. I want a home.... not just someplace to live; commonly referred to as "quarters" on this military journey.

This is the home I am talkin' about....

Here is another view...

I found this home on my many journeys through coastal Georgia to find said perfect home to live in while stationed here. Then Soldier guy came and ruined my hopes because of the distance of my dream home from Fort Stewart. Well, I say he ruined my dream, but not really.... I still have the dream, I just have to wait a bit for it. But through the process of realizing that sometimes we have to wait for the things that we want, rather than need, I came to the conclusion that for ten looooonnnngggg years now, I have been chasing a dream rather than chasing reality. The here and now, the enjoyment of what I have been gifted, the excitement of the unknown things this life will bring.

This is the home I live in now... we call this our "quarters".

Our quarters, are to say this least, not stellar. I would be okay if this was, like, some great historical home with real wood floors and great arched doorways, wood doors and trim. But, it's not. In this house lived past General's, Colonel's and such but, seeing as how Fort Stewart is not that historical, I'm just gonna have to deal with my reality. the vinyl wood floors and all. Hey, at least it has a fireplace, right?

All that said... the point of this blog is to tell you all that I am overhauling my quarters. Cabinets and all. Because, honestly, I have to live here and my cabinets are about 50 years old (the work guy who comes and fixes our stuff said they were built in a workshop here a looonnnggg time ago) and I just cannot live with them. I have faced the fact that my children will never have the most awesomely decorated rooms, that were built just for them, in the home they would live in forever; no matter how much i wish they could. My fireplace won't have the mantle I really want, and my bathroom does not (and will never have) that awesome stand alone tub and great shower with eight shower heads. But I'm gonna try and make this home almost as great in a "portable", moveable way and I'm taking you all on this journey with me, like it or not.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I commute with Tanks....

No, really, I do. My daily commute consists of my sharing the road with military tactical vehicles. Are they even called tanks anymore? This is just one thing that defines my life as an Army Wife. After ten years, it is now "my norm"... I'd probably freak out if I didn't see a tank or two. The really weird thing is, growing up, I thought tanks and Army guys were just something the boys played with. I cannot imagine what it would have been like to grow up somewhere other than the United States, where tanks on city streets and Camouflage are standard police equipment. Needless to say, I never imagined "this" as my life.

Here at Fort Stewart, pretty much everything is associated with a tank, or two, even. Goodness gracious, even the Commanding General is a tank~ no, really, it's true...his name is Abrams. Yep, Abrams, as in the tank. The tank wasn't named for him obviously, but it was named for his grandfather. I never thought soldier guy would work for a tanker.

The weird thing for me is, while I had never even seen a tank outside of a museum, my little ladies have no clue that "normal" people rarely see them at all. I can remember when my best friend was stationed here at Stewart right out of high school; the first time I came to visit I about peed my pants driving to Savannah and seeing a tank cross the road right in front of me on 144. I had no clue Army guys actually drove them aside from war. Yes, just like the rest of America, I had seen them invade Iraq the first time (3ID, I might add... now that i know just about all of 3ID history), but I did not know they actually had to practice to do that! To my girls, hotties with hair cut shorter than an inch, Kevlar, Camo, and even tanks are normal. In fact, the rule of thumb in our Army land is no boys with "short hair". They may be to young to really understand what I mean when I say it, but I still do. My tweeny girl is starting to figure it all out though...I think.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't take it all for granted. We will all miss it one day when, a few years into retirement, we are driving on a city street an there isn't a tank in sight.